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12/11/18 Clinical research company to bring its studies to US as part of NW delegation


Geraldine Horigan from NICRS Ltd.


A locally based Clinical Research Consultancy based firm that facilitates research for the health, academic and private sector is one of eight local companies from the North West City region taking part in the trade and investment mission to Boston and Philadelphia this week.


Geraldine Horigan from NICRS Ltd., a Clinical Research Consultancy business based at C-TRIC in Altnagelvin Hospital is travelling to the US as part of the high level delegation to promote the work her clinical research consultancy does in terms of reach for the health, academic and private sectors. 


As well as writing ethical applications and providing research governance and site specific assistance, her company is involved in the recruitment and screening of participants onto research studies and in the collection of anthropometric and clinical measurements. A key element of the work the company does is to provide questionnaire administration, qualitative interviews and focus groups, provide data analysis ad project evaluations as well as the provision of a phlebotomy training service.


Speaking ahead of the visit to the US that takes place this week involving companies from across Derry, Strabane and Donegal, along with representatives from the education sector and business development organisations, Geraldine says the visit has huge potential for her company.


She explained: “Part of my business is patient and participant recruitment onto research studies and I have been in talks with a company in the US regarding the setting up of an electronic patient registry to easily allow the identification of people with specific conditions very quickly and who have already consented to be contacted. This has the potential to be a real game changer for research on the island of Ireland.


“I am delighted to be part of the delegation and believe it provides me with a fantastic opportunity to further enhance the business links I have in the US and make new connections and look at new ways of collaborating services and contacts. It will also beneficial travelling as part of a group from the region to see at first hand the opportunities that are available to us and to showcase the wealth of talent and expertise that is here in the North West.”


Geraldine believes that the visit is timely and comes at an important time for the city and region. “I am the only person in the Northwest providing this type of service and I am really looking forward to being part of the delegation and making the most of this opportunity at such an exciting time for our city as we work to secure a medical school and a City deal, which would undoubtedly increase business significantly.”


The trade mission will run from 12 to 16 November with the two Mayors and officials visiting both Philadelphia and Boston and the businesses travelling to Boston only. The aim of the visit is to build on the strong political, economic and cultural linkages already established in both cities with the North West City region.


This visit is part of the ongoing positive work being done by the two Councils to establish strong economic development links and initiatives in the US and will build on the work done over the last number of years in promoting the North West region as an attractive investment proposition and on developing new market and network opportunities for businesses from Donegal, Derry and Strabane areas.


Among the companies travelling are from Donegal – Triona , while Atlantic Hub, Joule Group, Northern Ireland Clinical Research Sciences, Automated Control Systems, Baronscourt Brewing Company and Bridie Mullin Ltd. from the Derry and Strabane area will also be taking part alongside both Councils, third level and further education providers and development organisations from across the North West including Ulster University, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, the North West Regional College and Udaras na Gaeltachta.


For more information on the work carried out by Northern Ireland Clinical Research Services Ltd. (NICRS), C-TRIC, Altnagelvin Hospital. email: [email protected]  Tel: 02871611145  Twitter: @gbhorigan


For more information on the trade delegation visit #IrelandNW18.


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